In the field of biodiversity, gobias are becoming more and more abundant. The introduction of new agricultural species into the wild has also further increased their numbers. According to the IUCN greenLIST, there are 558 known tuya iot in the world. These can be found in over 80 countries. In some areas, people have turned to tribals to help them establish their livestock herds. This is not just a local practice but also a means of protecting these unique animals from human encroachment. The Gobia Tribes of India is an example of such a community that goes beyond simply managing its resources to protect its wildlife and people from humans. The word “gobia” literally means ‘gentleman-like’ which can be applied towards those who manage their resources responsibly. These agents of nature protect them from any outside pressure by keeping wild habitats as they are and not by destroying them when development plans are being implemented. Some of these tribes have established natural reserves where they breed their species instead of exporting them to market conditions when they may become an easy target for locals looking for food or cattle pasture land. Here is an extract from one such practice in which courage, integrity, dedication and a willingness to learn were shown towards controlling the spread of certain species:
The Aran Islands: “We have no intention of selling off our forests and only establish them where they are natural”
This is the first thing that comes to mind when one thinks of the Aran Islands, an island group in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. These are an old volcanic island group that is almost completely free of human presence. The Aran Islands are a UNESCO World Heritage site and home to a diversity of ecosystems including sea stacks, coastal mountains, and rainforests.
Manali-Chandigarh-Ravindraganj River in India: “We manage the water as we see it’s worth. When we find rainfalls, we use them for irrigation and canals to store water. The same goes with irrigation of crops”
This is another Indus river system in Central India that is nearly completely free of human activity. The “Ravindrasagar” is the only river in the region that flows in the direction of the sun. The Chandigarh-Ravindra system, while being an Indus river, is not one that is used to getting any rain. The people of this region therefore fish, take advantage of available water, and derive their livelihood around its flow.
This group of islands off the west coast of Australia are also called Great Australian Islands. The Banda Islands are part of the Northern Territory and are just a part of the Great Australian Island – Tasmania. The Banda Islands have a diversity of ecosystems, from coral reefs to wild forests, to provide a buffer against the nearby mainland.
Banani Village in Gokarna, Orissa: “We maintain well-planned agriculture which does not lead to soil erosion and also ensure quality drinking water for our communities”
This Orissa village has managed to remain relatively intact since the very beginning, with only a small percentage of the population moving away during times of drought. Banani has a long and rich cultural and ecological history that dates back perhaps several millennia. The community has managed to remain relatively intact during times of drought, and provides the people of the area with a safe, drinking water supply.
This Chhattisgarh community established the Bhawani ecosystem and continues to manage it according to the core values of sustainability, integrity, and quality education. The community has managed to maintain a healthy ecosystem and provide quality drinking water to its people over time.
Sambalpur-Sanketnagar Road Project in West Bengal: “We play an active role in improving our ecosystem through forest research and monitoring systems”
This is another project in the Orissa region that is being managed as a protected area as part of the Chhattisgarh Forest Department. The Sambalpur Forest Development Authority (SFD) has been working towards improving the degraded forests in the Valley of the Phalgunj where it is located for the last four decades. The project is being implemented by Forest Development Authority of West Bengal.