Most car accidents come from the driver losing concentration and confidence. However, some are caused by driver mistakes as well. These causes vary with each state, which is why it is important to know how a car accident can occur in your state when driving for daily activities like going to work or school.
In addition, injuries sustained can vary, including death and permanent brain damage. The injuries can sometimes seriously impact the victim’s life and cause the person to no longer be able to work. Therefore, it is essential to hire a car accident attorney if you are injured in a car accident to ensure that you get maximum compensation for your injuries.
For now, we will now see into some common causes of car accidents in Rutland, VT.
Drunk driving
Alcohol is a major cause of car accidents in Rutland, VT. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 9,967 fatal traffic accidents occurred due to drunk driving. That would be 37% of all traffic accident fatalities in the country. The number of drunk drivers is assumed to be even higher because not all are caught by law enforcement. Each day one person dies and nearly 20 others are injured as a result of an alcohol-related accident.
Driving too fast is the most common cause of car accidents in Rutland, VT. Speeding is a classic and deadly mistake. It is believed that excessive speed causes the majority of traffic accidents. The NHTSA reported that speeding was involved in 28% of all traffic fatalities, which means there are more than 31,000 deaths from speeding every year.
Dangerous road conditions
A driver who is unfamiliar with the road can easily become confused and be unable to recognize dangerous road conditions. The road can be washed out, merge onto different lanes or become blocked. Reaching for the wrong gear in a hurry when a car slows down can also cause an accident. A driver has a tendency to reach for the gears that are not supposed to be used especially when he is in a hurry.
Incorrect signage
Signs can be confusing. Drivers need to read and understand the signs, taking into consideration the traffic volume, lane markings, and road conditions in order to identify what they are meant for. A driver might not understand a sign or misread it resulting in an accident.
Vehicle defects
Poorly maintained vehicles can actually have defects that cause accidents. These defects can jeopardize the safety of the driver and passengers. Some examples of these problems are faulty brakes, defective steering, or defective tires.